Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Setting a Date, Part 2

So we started thinking about how our schedule over the next year would work with a fall wedding. I had a lot of misgivings. First, I wanted at least year to plan the wedding. A fall wedding was only 9 to 10 months from when we got engaged. Second, my good friend and soon-to-be bridesmaid was having her wedding over the Columbus Day long weekend October, and knowing I really wanted her in my wedding, that left out at least both weekends on either side of hers. So the fall possibilities were therefore September and the last week of October.

The last Saturday of October is Halloween. And while I seriously entertained the idea of a Halloween wedding (Halloween is my favorite holiday and those deep purple and orange color palettes are to die for and imagine jack-o-lantern centerpieces!)--my fiance did not. As in, he absolutely hated the idea. In fact, he later told me that all holidays were out. Because my fiance is usually extremely easy going, when he feels strongly about something, I know it must be important to him. Therefore, while I do not understand why he was against the holiday idea, I decided not to push it. But oh . . . just imagine a masquerade ball theme with elegant masks handed out to each guest and a costume party for a rehearsal dinner. Alas, my imagination runs wild again.

Image from Weddingbee boards

Image from Inside Weddings via perfect memories wedding blog

So where was I? Right, September was also out. I am a graduate student in ecology and as such spend my summers in beautiful, rustic Alaska collecting samples. I knew that this coming September, I would have to spend at least two weeks in Alaska collecting samples and that over the summer I would spend about 3 months in Alaska. So being thousands of miles away and four hours behind my fiance and family and venue right before the wedding would not a stress free bride or good graduate student make.

So fall 2010, right? Well, at the time that seemed way too long to wait to get married. My fiance and I had been dating for 3 1/2 years before becoming engaged. Looking back on it with my six month out mark a mere 3 days away, more time might have been a good thing.

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