Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Four weddings and . . .

My FI and I just got invited to our fourth wedding this year! There are now four weddings to attend in the next 6 months. Ours will be the grand finale of this string of weddings (well, the grand finale to us at least). Two of my bridesmaids are getting married, so I guess they will technically be "bride-matrons" by the time my wedding comes around. One of the weddings is our best man's and the fourth is our mutual friends' from Florida. Two of the weddings are a plane ride away, so only one of us will be attending those. My FI will be attending his best man's wedding solo in August and the following week I will be going stag to my bridesmaid's "re" wedding (she was technically married at the court house last year). I am sad to miss out on our best man's wedding because my FI is a groomsman. I would love to see him all decked out in a tux--I am sure it would give me butterflies to see him dressed up like he will be for our wedding.

I am excited to to see how my friends put their weddings together. What will their vision of a wedding look like? In the end, planning a wedding involves a long series of small personal choices, and I wonder how their personalities will show up in the details. Now that I know how much work goes into planning a wedding, I will be sure to notice and appreciate all the details my friends' have lovingly put into their weddings. I am also rather stuck on finding ceremony readings, so I look forward to hearing what my friends choose. Furthermore, when wedding planning stress is getting me down, experiencing the joy of an actual wedding will cheer me up and get me excited about weddings again.

I will be sure to report on these weddings and highlight the best of my friends' wonderful ideas come to life.

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